As I was getting ready for my ride this morning, a man was driving by and stopped to talk to me. He wasn't there just to chat, he was there to inform me that my mulch pile, doggie dropping dump and brush piles were on his land. I told him I was under the impression that they were on my land, and that my land went to the tree behind the mulch pile, but if not, then I would be happy to move them. Now, the guy was very nice, so I didn't take offense. He also mentioned that he was having someone come in to clean up all the leaves and dead wood on his property.
After my ride, I was going to start moving the brush piles, but then I saw something that made me get out my deed and figure out exactly where my land ended. Turns out that 99% of the stuff that he complained about is on my land; one of the brush piles did just slightly (I mean - maybe 6") onto his property. Since he is a landlord for the apartment's which land was in question, I didn't know how I could contact him. I didn't want him to have his guy remove my brush piles as there are some birds that use at least one of them for nesting underneath.
So I went to the apartments and they had a For Rent sing, with a phone number. I called and talked again to the guy, explained the situation (my land goes along a stone wall and to a metal pin. He asked if I had located the pin - yep, and it is by the big tree that I said I thought was my property line. He then proceded to explain how he had never located the pin. Oh? Really? That is amazing since I can see it from my back door (that is what I saw when I let Prince out that led me to dig out my deed).

That pin is now a part of the tree it is leaning agianst, so hasn't moved any in the last, oh, say 15+ years. In the second picture, the doggie doo pile is in the foreground, clearly on my land.
And what about that rock wall. Oh, he didn't know about that either. To give him the benefit of a doubt, it is rather hard to see as it is old, decrepit and sunken in. But I was pretty sure my property went to the huge rock in back - and it seems to be part of the rock wall.

Trust me, in person you can tell where the wall is and where the corner is made. Sure, it doesn't stick out, but if you look for it, you can find it.
So, once I explained this to him, and told him I would move the small part of the brush pile that is on his land, he seemed to be okay with it. Hopefully he explains this all to whomever he hires to clean up his property, because I will not be happy if he removes my brush piles (and the birds won't be happy either).
But, the real moral to this story is not to trust that someone knows what he is talking about when it comes to property boundaries. Make sure you have a copy of your deed accessible so that if you need it on a weekend, you've got it.
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