Veteran musher Aaron Burmeister has scratched at the Unalakleet station. His dogs were all healthy and he had 11 in harness at the time. The Iditarod page doesn't have any details, just, "“to help promote the mental wellness and health of my team in the future.” - which seems to be odd wording.
Alasksnewsource has a bit more detail: He said, "They’ve been flat pretty much from Skwentna to here, just no speed, no fire, no animation, no barking," Which anyone who knows huskies (or any sled dogs), that is unusual behavior as they are always excited to get going on the trail.
The best quote shows the attitude that makes Aaron an excellent musher, and the reason for scratching even though he could have pushed forward, “It’s not fun for them, it’s not fun for me,”.
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