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October 06, 2023


Cop Car

"When grid-tied, the production is cut off to avoid feedback into the power lines."



I should have made it more clear that that sentence went with the 3-day power outage scenario. In case that is not where the confusion came from:

A grid tied system feeds excess power production back into the grid on a normal day. There is an automatic safety shut off where if there is a power outage in the grid (that affects my house), then power is cut off from the solar panels so there is no chance of the power lines being energized from an unexpected source. This is for the safety of the line workers. It is illegal to do it any other way.

If I were not grid tied, or if I had a whole house battery back up, then I would have options. I chose not to exercise those options at what it would have cost.

Cop Car

Aha...of course...I didn't catch the normal/power outage distinction. Thanks for catching me up.

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