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July 29, 2023


Cop Car

Interesting that NH gets that many tornado warnings. I would have guessed they were nearly unknown up there. But then...they were unknown in ABQ until two touched down not far from my house. You probably recall that my parents were at my house and I was watching from the 3rd floor of our building at work. Even small tornadoes can be scary!


We average 2 tornadoes per year (or 1, depending on source). I would think we have warnings more often than that from radar indication, but I don't see any stats on that.

Naturally, our tornadoes tend to be on the weak side. We also get microbursts on occasion.

That being said, the 4-5 a couple of weeks ago were on the same day, all in different areas of the state at basically the same time (ie, not the same cell), so that was very unusual.

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