I know I posted this picture of the butterfly weed a few days ago, but I'm going somewhere with this. In that post, I failed to include the description that I had written on my post in a forum. To wit, "The main plant, the one I put in years ago, is the darker orange. The lighter orange are all offspring (and there are a whole lot of babies in the same area)."
I have pictures of the matriarch blooming in 2018 (the garden was put in 2017), so there are several generations in that area and they have all been some shade of orange. Until last night.
I introduce the (figuratively) red-headed step-child, a yellow sport growing amongst its orange siblings
And last year I had been looking at flower catalogs and wistfully wishing that local stores had yellow butterfly weeds. I'll try to remember to save seeds from this sport and make sure they get "trapped" in the area. Hopefully I will get more yellow ones next year.