Although there are a few day lilies that have gone by, or are not quite ready to bloom yest, most were in attendance yesterday.
And one of the yuccas suddenly put out a stalk of flowers.
The only picture not taken yesterday: Last Sunday I was going to a friend's place for a visit. As I walked out of the house I could smell wood smoke that was fairly heavy. In the middle of the day, that isn't usual. I walked around the house trying to pinpoint where the smell was coming from. I didn't find it (although I later did - it was an attended fire across rt149), I did find a feather in the backyard. I believe it is from the local hawk that is lusting after all the squirrels.
BTW, did you know that it is illegal to keep bird feathers, even molted feathers of native birds without a permit? Although I looked it up to make sure, I only know that because of watching North Woods Law (or maybe it was Lone Star Law). What I didn't know, was the same is true of eggs/eggshells. I did pick up the feather to photograph against the background of the porch railing, but I left it out back afterwards.
And such pretty daylilies you have. Lovely!
Yes, many are (unknowingly) scofflaws when it comes to harboring feathers and eggs. Fortunately for me, European starlings and house sparrows are not protected. I discourage their nesting around our premises.
Posted by: Cop Car | July 16, 2023 at 07:41 AM