The winner of the first fully opened peony goes to - IDK, it's one in the roadside garden. I didn't look at the label when I took the picture, so it is either Felix Crouse (I believe most likely) or Madame Emile Debatene. This picture taken yesterday:
Weigala, showing a better flush of pink than the picture last week. And, with Siberian iris for good measure
Although you have seen this lupine flower previously, here it is with a bee (taken a few days ago)
Yesterday I left to do a few errands in town and saw this on the north side of the chainlink fence. He was about 10' futher north than the gate.
When I got home, about 45 minutes later, it was on the south side of the fence - about 10' further south than the southern gate (about 100' of actual travel since he had to go around) - taken from the back porch
It was drizzling at the time and he was just sitting there enjoying the moisture. When I next looked, he was out of sight.
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. Peonies always remind me of your Grandmother H's garden. The pink Weigala is just as I saw it in my mind's eye from the previous photo. I'm so glad that the little root beer iris has done well for you. I need to divide my own clump of it, so Krista (neighbor on side away from driveway) should be enjoying such blooms in a year or two.
Everything looks so comfortable in your plantings. The hosta and purple iris just snuggle up to your Weigala. Super!
Posted by: Cop Car | June 11, 2023 at 06:54 AM