Last weekend I mentioned that the cable company was forcing me to change cable boxes as the one I got in 2013 would no longer be supported. It was delivered Wednesday afternoon and that night I decided to go ahead and set it up.
First things first, it was easy to swap out my old box to the new. I chose to use the enclosed cable instead of the old one because the old one wasn't long enough so I had to also use an extension with it. The cable is long enough, so that is less interference that could potentially happen. Although they also included a new connector to the TV, I used my existing one (fortunately my TV was equipped appropriately).
After watching online video on how to get the cable box to talk to my cable account, that went fairly seamlessly. And wonder of wonders - it automatically figured out my TV code and the remote both turns the TV on and off (as well as volume control). So, it works my TV better than the old remote.
I do have a few gripes however:
- The clock on the new box is too small for me to read from the couch (<10' away). Not the biggest deal, but irritating.
- The remote is smaller (black on in the picture), with smaller buttons, and the configuration of those buttons is different. Again, an irritant but after 10 years of being familiar with a configuration and being able to use the functions without looking, muscle memory is not my friend.
- The on/off button is so small and inconspicuous, it is hard to find (button at very top, right corner - you'll probably miss it unless you click on the picture to enlarge it). The old remote (silver) had a very conspicuous button (the red button toward the top, above the black button).
- I have no idea how to mute since there is no button for that (probably a voice command)
- Voice commands - not sure why that is a big deal. You still have to hold the remote and press a button. Oh, and without a list of those commands, not to mention actually remembering said list, that function is not very useful (yes, I could probably find it by googling, but I don't care about using it anyway). And as mentioned earlier, muting is probably by voice, but since I have to pick up the remote and push a button anyway, why not just have a mute button?
- They sent me a used box, which is fine and not the gripe. My gripe is that the box was not wiped from previous settings. How do I know? Because while setting up the recordings for a couple of shows, I had to delete about 10 current recordings, and the same amount of future recordings that were set up.
- As mentioned earlier, the remote will control all my TV functions (the ones I use anyway), so I was able to put the TV remote away. Now I just have two remotes - one for the cable box / TV, and one for the soundbar.
- I could have had my soundbar controlled thru the cable box remote, but I don't use the soundbar often, so I didn't want to do so.
- Speaking of soundbar, I was able to hook it into the cable box. So it is no longer hooked thru the TV which reduced one complication.
- The cable box is a lot quieter than the old one.
Both positive and negative: Whenever the remote is touched the buttons light up
- Helps with seeing the buttons and what they represent
- There are a lot of times I (or a cat) touch the remote without actually wanting to do anything with it.
- The power button does not have a light. Yeah, that teeny tiny button is not easy to find in any situation.
Everything else is just getting used to how it works. Getting to my recordings is different - not good or bad, just different.
The mute button must be there - microscopic?? I understand how voice commands are helpful if one has a disability, but it escapes me why one would prefer voice to the remote as you explained it. The power button is not lit? Could it be that, being "used", it is burned out? Weird.
The challenge (for me, at least) is remembering where I stowed the TV remote. A couple of months ago, I had to ferret it out in trying to diagnose the issue with my TV reception. (It was in a wicker basket on the shelf under my TV.)
Posted by: Cop Car | May 06, 2023 at 09:08 AM
Oops! It was the box that you wrote was "used".
Posted by: Cop Car | May 06, 2023 at 09:09 AM
Yeah, I found the mute button last night. I completely missed there being any button between the volume and channel buttons. Not that I use it very often so I didn't look too hard.
Both of the very top buttons, TV input and Power are solid, so no lights are available for those. The remote seems to be new, without any worn spots and it was packaged separately from the box. I would also say the box wasn't very used. According to the SN it was made Feb 2023. IDK, now that I think about it maybe they are paid to have the programs preset for recording. One was a nightly national network news program that is not in first place along with a few of their weekly news magazines.
Posted by: bogie | May 07, 2023 at 05:32 AM
Posted by: Cop Car | May 08, 2023 at 08:09 AM