I find it so funny that people, at times, post a link to an article or video that they are trying to prove a point (I assume), which does nothing of the sort. Maybe the titles seem like they should, or the first paragraph, but you can tell they didn't watch/read the whole thing. Or perhaps they ignored anything further and hope their audience does too (or doesn't get that far.
I've seen that happen on forums, on blogs, and in FB.
The latest case is the Weekend Pundit (who I like, link to and have no beef with) has this on his 4/30/2023 post:
That link goes to this You Tube video. One would assume it is evidence of some sort that there has been extreme climate change for at least 800 years. It is indeed named 800 years of Climate Crisis but the entire 5+ minutes of video is of hiking their dogs in several different areas.
Unless for some reason the video under that title has been changed, I can only assume that the WP, for whatever reason, did not watch it it and just made an assumption based on the title.
I don't mean to pick on WP - I see this type of thing on a regular basis by all sides of every issue that I care to try to educate myself in. i just happened to come across this at a time I was in the mood, and position to, enter a post on this blog.
Eh, research can be so demanding. It's easy to get antsy and not complete the job.
Posted by: Cop Car | May 08, 2023 at 08:07 AM