Just a few blooms from the roadside garden
While I was looking at those, I noticed some burned limbs on the Coppertina Ninebark. Unfortunately I didn't have my phone with me so removed a lot of them before going to grab it to take pictures. I'm guessing this happened when the transformer blew since the ninebark is close to the pole (not touching - I'm assuming the charge came thru the roots and out thru the limb ends, thus crisping them).
As can be seen in the top picture, other parts of the shrub are doing well, even just below the burns, so it should recover nicely.
Beautiful, beautiful blossoms, Bogie. In the lower photo of a narcissus, what is the little black rectangle just below & to the right of the blossom. It looks like a little black box with a window (read-out type), but I suspect it is a marker?
Interesting about the burns to the ninebark. I've never seen anything like that.
Posted by: Cop Car | April 30, 2023 at 07:30 AM
You had me stumped on the black box for a moment. It is a gray plant marker with a white label attached.
Posted by: bogie | May 03, 2023 at 02:40 AM
Thanks for confirming my guess.
Posted by: Cop Car | May 03, 2023 at 08:35 AM