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April 28, 2023


Cop Car

I've no clue what "X1" is, but hope it all works out that you need not replace your TV. I just looked it up: We purchased our TVs in April 2010 - seems like last year.


X1 is just their software/hardware platform for being able to stream and do voice commands (because picking up the remote is too hard). There may be other stuff, I don't know, don't care. I just want to watch a couple of shows and that is it.

Cop Car

Things are getting too smart these days. Just had the controller to our sprinkler system replaced. The new one can be controlled through our wi-fi. I doubt I ever get around to it, but I may at least read all about it one of these days. It may eventually be a good thing to be able to control it when away from home - if that's even a capability. (I assume it is.)


I would assume that controlling from your phone, regardless of where you are at is possible. I can't think of any other reason for it to be connected to your wifi.

Cop Car

I agree.

It turns out that a special "WAND" module must be installed in the controller in order to do wi-fi. I've not yet checked to see if it is there.

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