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February 12, 2023


Cop Car

Hmm...finally, i have an answer to what the pipe with the green tape was: your linoleum!

Well, weren't you clever to have kept the linoleum all these years? Very good. As one who dislikes tripping on curled edges, and understanding that my vote counts for naught since I am doing none of the work (and didn't pay for anything and don't live there), I vote for the transition piece.

My EB mentioned your than you note to him. I offered him photos from your blog, but he was just happy knowing that you had been able to fix a lingering issue!

Cop Car

I rather scrambled my English! Two thoughts transitting my mind at once. EB mentioned your note to him. He was pleased that you wrote it.


Your vote did count and made me think more about it - especially knowing that "temporary" means it will probably be there for a few years.

The "new" piece of linoleum is not likely to curl as it is a much better quality than the darker linoleum. But, I know from experience that darker piece would curly - giving the Destructive Duo more things to play with. LOL

Cop Car

I had not thought of your Destructive Duo, but glad you opted for the transition piece.

BTW: When I called up this posting for your uncle, he was pleased to see your new installation - and much of the work you have done on your home. He was surprised by the extent of your solar installation - pleasantly so.

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