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October 09, 2022


Cop Car

Wow! That is fancy! Your kitties live in the lap of luxury, eh? Well done.

Any special use planned for the re-built one?

Cop Car

Did they include the driver for those internally wrenched screws or do they expect everyone to have star-drivers these days. I remember when the star configuration was new and I had to hunt all over town to find a set of drivers. Recently, a vendor included a Phillips-head driver with something that I had ordered. (I would have to think really hard to recall what the item was.) As if people don't have Phillips-head screwdrivers - lol.

Cop Car

On second look, those heads probably go with bolts, rather than screws, which makes more sense to me.


Well, some were short enough that so I went with "screws" instead of bolts. They did include the hexagonal wrench (as has every put-together-yourself stuff that I have bought in the last couple of years). You can see it in the picture as the item to the very right in the bag.

I did have to get out a star tip to remove the round platforms from the old cat tree. But the half tube had "staples" that had 2" "legs" and those were a bear to remove.

No special use planned for the refurbished cat tree. I just don't see any reason to waste a nice, sturdy, real wood (for most of it) cat tree and Tory really likes the top, round platform. No reason not to keep it.

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