Finally got some rain yesterday - 3/4" in 20-25 minutes
That wasn't nearly enough, and we got that amount way too fast for the ground to even attempt to soak it up, but it's something anyway. Last weekend I removed this raised bed (16" tall total) ans well as the covered dirt pile under the black plastic (where the cinder blocks are). The dirt in the raised bed was completely dry all the way down. I understand being raised, it will be drier than surrounding areas, but it is also in a low spot of the yard and gets a lot of shade from both the east side tree belt and a huge tree on the west side.
All of the dirt from under the plastic went into filling in ruts that were left by the crane and bucket truck from the tree work that was done. I removed plants (tansy, thyme and creeping phlox that has been "holding" there for years) from the planter. Some was re-homed and others are in pots to be transplanted in my yard. Some of the remaining dirt was used elsewhere and the rest was removed by the guy in the next paragraph.
Had a local guy come in and install this 16'x18'x pad. It is a total of 12" deep (4x6 PT lumber used). Eventually it will hold a brand new 10'x14' shed with a 4'x5' ramp and leave plenty of room for planters and perhaps and outdoor sink that a hose hooks up to. Right now they are estimating December for install. But after sending them pictures of the pad, I'm on the wait list if something opens up because of cancellations. So that date could potentially move up (not likely, but maybe). Note that there is only one panel of fence left instead of 2.
The left, front corner in this picture encroaches the area, but does not completely cover that area, where the raised bed used to be.
The stone in there looks much nicer after the driving rain we had yesterday. Once the new shed is in place, I can empty and remove the 8'x10' metal shed that is at least 20 years old (it was moved from my old place and looked bad then). The pics, taken last year, don't really show the dents and stressors that are present but the roof has to be cleared of snow since it is so dented up there it won't slide off itself. Really can't complain about the cheap money we spent at HD so many years ago for this metal thing - who would have thought it would last this long without caving in?
The closeups show a completely different story on your existing shed than did the distant photos. And...I didn't realize that the pad is stone rather than concrete until you mentioned it.
You do such a great job of planning ahead (much better than your mother). Super!
I hope that your house doesn't slide down that hill - lol. Fortunately, my neck works.
Posted by: Cop Car | August 27, 2022 at 10:34 AM
Actually the planning ahead thing was a fluke. After the tree work, I used a bunch of that dirt under the plastic for fill under the new sitting area chairs. Then a couple of weeks ago I had an epiphany that I could use that area for a shed.
I looked around for a couple of weeks at pre-builts that stock them in the area, and thought I would get an Old Hickory (built in the Midwest). Then went and looked at Reeds Ferry sheds in Hudson, NH. Reeds uses better wood and have a MUCH better warranty, so I am spending a bit more money for that quality.
After ordering the shed, I got a hold of the guy that had widened my driveway and cut back the bank on the northwest side of the house. He happened to have some down time last week so scheduled the work immediately (I had tole him there was no hurry, but also the sooner he could get it done, the sooner I could get on the wait list). Otherwise I would have had to wait a while for the pad. I just lucked into the timing for that.
Posted by: bogie | August 28, 2022 at 05:18 AM
Take the win and run with it - lol.
Posted by: Cop Car | August 28, 2022 at 08:21 AM