The peonies are doing superb this year, as is the variegated weigala. Edulis Superba is the first pink peony and Festiva Maximus is the white peony.
The roadside garden peonies are show stoppers. I need to get a more current picture of the Madame Emile Dabatene and Felix Crouse as this in early in the bloom cycle
The iris are kind of lackluster as most have declined to bloom this year. What has bloomed have been very pretty though.
The huge rhodies out front are also lackluster - for them. I guess they need an off year every once in a while. Th few blooms are very nice though.
Lupines - 1st year I've gotten blooms
Variegated weigala is outstanding this year. I don't remember it ever being so full of blooms
And just because, here are gratuitous cat on a box pics
My pictures and Typepad just don't get along. Now I have to upload each picture 2-3 times before they will take. However, the picture manipulation tool is actually appearing and working for me (it rarely does), so I guess I shouldn't complain.
Update: and now the post says it has been saved, but it isn't uploading (and yes, I "published" it). I guess it really thinks I have posted too many flower pics :D
Ah, your peonies remind me of Mom's. All of your blossoms are gorgeous on the irises that did bloom, the sparse rhododendron, and the weigela. And, how could you not post kitty-on-a-box photos? Impossible!
There for a couple of weeks, TypePad was requiring that I upload each photo twice before it would let it be inserted. As of a few days ago, it is behaving normally. Go figure.
Posted by: Cop Car | June 12, 2022 at 09:19 AM