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June 25, 2022


Cop Car

Those foxgloves are enough to set one's heart pitter-pattering even if one isn't touching them. Beautiful. I've always liked them, but never grew any. Aren't they the source of digitalis?

Cop Car

BTW: I've never seen any "after-flower" on my nine barks. It's possible that I've pulled them up thinking they were weeds? Or do they take several years to develop? I planted mine 7 years ago (gee - I would have guessed 3-4 years ago had I not looked it up!)

Cop Car

I mistook what I was seeing in your photo of the after-flower. I now do recall seeing them, but as you say they are not showy and don't make a lasting impression.


it just dawned on me why the flowers of the ninebark don't really show up but the red of the afterflowers do - the mulch in that area is a light colored rock (which you can see in the picture).


I believe you are correct about foxglove being a source of digitalis.

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