Yesterday afternoon was the first day of short-sleeve weather. It was 62*, sunny with few clouds, and the wind wasn't at 40 mph. Sure, we had a fairly stiff breeze, but wasn't too bad so after a bunch of running around, I got out in the yard and did some cleaning up late afternoon. First I took a bunch of winter fall limbs to the dump. They have recently instituted a policy of nothing over 3", so I had to hold a couple back, but I was able to get rid of most of them.
I cleaned up all the perennial stalks and dead day lily leaves out of the driveway garden. No pics for that - just take my word that it looks much better. Then I started cleaning out the roadside garden.
I couldn't clean that end as well as I would have liked as it has baby lupines growing as well as the daffodils and hyacinths that I didn't want to tear up with the leaf rake. But I did get all the stalks out from the peonies. Dang, those stalks are so stringy and tough that I'll bet the strands could be used to weave baskets.
The far end cleaned up better since there were no bulbs coming up. I don't know whether those daffodils got eaten by chipmunks/squirrels, they died, or are just late.
I bagged up all the leaves and all the stalks are in the 4-wheel cart, so are ready to take to the dump next weekend. Here are hyacinths and daffodils from the shrub garden.
I haven't cleaned up that area yet and still need to clean up the raised bed at the other side of the house as well as the shade garden. But my first priorities for today will be to get rid of some invasive roses that have jumped the drainage ditch from the former swamp. The only good thing about them is they green up before most other stuff, so are easier to find and deal with in the spring. I also need to cut up what I can of the large limb that came down in the neighbor's back yard. Need to get that done before mowing season begins.
Today is supposed to be a bit warmer than yesterday with just a light breeze, so should be lovely to be out in the yard.
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