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April 17, 2022


Cop Car

How strange is your relationship with your neighbor? *laughing* If only I had you for a neighbor - but, then - I would melt into a puddle from lack of doing yard work ; )

I am "killing time" while the re-installation of Windows 11 takes place ("Restore" took my machine back to Windows 10.) I was surprised at how much I had missed by not being online. You've been busy, as always!


It is either do yard work for the neighbor, or watch it turn into a big junkpile. Neighbor can hardly walk with a walker, and he walks completely bent over, so I chose to get some exercise and help him out. Yes, it is a strange relationship, but something I can live with.

Cop Car

Helping one's neighbor is not a strange thing, I should add. Good for you!

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