71* here yesterday. Opened up some windows while I cleared up debris in the yard. Spent a couple of hours clearing invasive rose canes and picking up winter branch breakage. I'm going to have to break out my electric chainsaw to shorten those pieces in front. They are 4-5" in diameter and about 10' long The 2nd one back was actually about 20' long when it fell, but happened to break in half when it landed (the other piece is between the one you can see and the pile behind).
Pile of rose canes/whips
The cleared area behind the fence. I should have taken a before pic, but that entire area was covered with roses and they were climbing the trees. About 15' to that fence post and 5-6' in width. The property line goes thru the left side of that rock and angles a bit. This picture is very deceiving as the fence is four 6' panels in length. The pin is 5-6' further than that (but not nearly to that fallen tree in the upper right hand quadrant)
My back is to the other pin at the road - this is the only time of year I could possibly do the sighting between the two. Pins were set over the winter and found it goes about 1.5' further than I believed at the back corner. Although I was confident the fence was inside my property line, I thought the corner was the metal fence post to the left of the the pin that is circled in red. The front of the property is longer than the back. I was unsure where the front corner was at, so couldn't really guess at the angle previously.
I was wondering how you were doing getting your boundaries legalized/formalized.
After all of the moving of pellets, this would have been an easy day for you!! I like your composting bins.
Posted by: Cop Car | March 19, 2022 at 10:47 AM
The boundaries ar not yet "set" for the north side of the property. Well, the northeast pin was found and is set, it is the rest that is still unsettled. The surveyor has received verbal permission to set the fuzzy boundaries for the rest of it, but getting the signatures needed has not gone well. One of the neighbor's and his wife are too busy to go to the bank and get their signatures notarized. I did talk to the guy the other day, printed him out 4 copies and hopefully they will sign soon. Then gotta go to the town and state to get it legalized.
It was actually harder to work in the roses. Those things grab onto anything and everything, including my hair, my clothes etc. There was one point where I thought I would have to remove my shirt out there in the yard to get one of the longer whips off of me.
Posted by: bogie | March 20, 2022 at 04:39 AM
Worse than being grabbed by an octopus. It has but eight tentacles.
Posted by: Cop Car | March 20, 2022 at 09:47 AM