The government mandate has hit where I work. Being a government contractor, all employees are required to be vaccinated - even those who work from home full time. Employees have until the end of November to accomplish this and provide proof, or provide proof that they are excluded from the mandate for health reasons. Although I am vaccinated so don't have to worry about it, I disagree with the mandate. My company has no choice, so I'm not faulting them, but the government.
We thought we had a worker shortage before with all sectors of the economy having a hard time filling positions in NH. I can hardly wait to see how many voluntarily leave my company, and how many people have to be fired when all is said and done.
At the same time as mandated vaccines, the government hasn't seen fit to open the northern boarder to fully vaccinated people yet. Sure, they can fly in, but they can't cross by land or lake. This makes absolutely no sense and does nothing but punish northern states who depend on commerce and tourism from our northern neighbors. Additionally, a lot of families reside across the boarder from each other but can't see each other. If vaccination is so great, why won't we allow vaccinated people in by modes other than air travel (which by definition, you are forced into close contact with others so more likely to come in contact / spread the virus). Argh, this just makes my head hurt wondering where logic is.
Tell your co-workers NOT TO QUIT! Make the bastards fire them and deal with unemployment.
Posted by: Glypto Dropem | October 02, 2021 at 08:51 AM
Although I appreciate your sentiment, I have a few issues:
First, I don't go around inquiring as to who is vaccinated and who is not - it's none of my business and I really don't care to know their medical status.
Second, of those I work with closely enough to know their status thru general conversation, everyone has been vaccinated. We are all old farts and most have underlying medical issues that makes it extremely risky for them to contract the virus.
Third, if you think that unemployment will pay those that are fired for not fulfilling a requirement for employment, you are sadly mistaken. Those that won't follow the mandate will have no problem finding alternate employment. This state has a real worker shortage. That means, quitting because they have found alternate employment may actually hurt the company more because they only give a two week's notice (if that) and no one trained or even available to step into their shoes.
Posted by: bogie | October 03, 2021 at 06:41 AM
NY's govenour at least is determined that if someone is fired for refusing to follow vaccine mandates they aren't eligible for unemployment. We'll see how that holds up in court, but yah.
Posted by: Ruth | October 05, 2021 at 08:53 AM
In reading the FAQ's provided by my company, refusal to be vaccinated without proof of medical or religious hardship (and approval for religious exemption is harder to get) is considered to be a voluntary resignation. Each state has its own rules, but I believe most either say you aren't eligible or or you have to be unemployed for a long time before being eligible.
NH flat out states that there are no unemployment benefits if you quit without good cause. And at that, you will most likely need a lawyer to establish and prove your reason was so compelling that you had no choice but to quit.
Posted by: bogie | October 08, 2021 at 12:29 PM
I am in Michigan, and I suspect is is the same here. I waited a long time, before getting the vaccine. I mostly didn't like being told what to do. But after watching the numbers it seemed like those who did get the vaccines were having better results if they did get covid than those who did not get the vaccines. Of course, who knows if you can trust the numbers, right? But at some point, you have to make your own choice.
I took 2 doses. I won't take 3.
I am also retired, so that makes a difference, also.
Posted by: pigpen51 | October 10, 2021 at 07:46 PM