Yesterday morning I decided it was time to oil the wood floors. It can be tough to tell from pictures, but the difference always amazes me. The first picture is the livingroom from the pellet stove (before is on the left, after is on the right). I have circled where scratches were evident before oiling
The hallway is even tougher to show, but if you look at the white spot that is circled, that is paint drops that I didn't get cleaned up in time and then couldn't get off. The combination of grapeseed and orange oils soften it up enough for removal without damaging the wood. I had a lot of paint splatters that I was able to remove.
The office is pretty easy to see. My chair is used a lot since I have been working from home. The floor shows it in the left picture. I had to oil that area a couple of times, but got it back to looking nice. I'll need to remember to do that area more often than the other areas.
Oh yeah, and the house smells like oranges with a hint of rosemary.
(Inhaling) Ahhh....
I should ever have had your gumption. I don't know how frequently you do your floors, but it seems quite often. Well done! (Those paint spatters are where fingernails come in handy, once the spatters have softened a bit.)
Posted by: Cop Car | October 24, 2021 at 09:32 AM
I usually do it once a year but did not oil them last year.
Posted by: bogie | October 24, 2021 at 09:50 AM
Wood looks wonderful as flooring, if well kept. Consequently, every time I've moved into a house with hardwood floors, they've promptly been covered with carpeting and/or vinyl roll goods. You wouldn't remember that the house in Bellevue WA had hardwood floors. I had all floors carpeted except the dining room-breakfast bar area on which I used paste wax. I hated the amount of work it took to keep that floor clean and looking good.
BTW: That house has been totally updated and, over the years, was expanded. Zillow now values it at $1.5M. It's really fancy! I'm guessing that there is a weekly cleaning service involved. I couldn't live in it. Too lazy.
Posted by: Cop Car | October 24, 2021 at 12:53 PM