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December 19, 2020


Cop Car

I got a jolt of joy when your top bluebird photo appeared before my eyes. They are so beautiful. It was definitely not a jolt of joy that I got in viewing the damage to your tent garage and truck/SUV. I am sorry that the supports got so tired. Is that an electrical junction/outlet box that did the dastardly dead to your windshield?

I would love to have your snow; but, I would attack it with less vigor, so probably should not live in your area.

Your dad and I, having worked there at various (different) times, were interested when the news carried reports of over 3 feet of snow in Binghamton NY. You are right up there with them.


Yes, it is an electrical box. It came set up for running an extension cord to provide electricity but I've never used it. Had no need since the only time it would be useful is if I had to have power tools out there for some reason. Since I only store pellets, dirt/landscape rocks and the truck in there, had no need..

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