Last weekend I removed the portable A/C from the living room so I can run the pellet stove. It has run every night, and during windy days. First frost has already happened and I'm getting ready to tear out the tomato vines.
Yesterday I removed the window A/C in the office. I had left it in as that room heats up from all the electronics running when I am working, so I was unsure if it would be needed or not - NOT was the answer.
Today I will get the P61a, the basement stove, unpacked from it's summer hibernation. Not sure when it will be touched off, but the basement is down to 65*, which makes the floors of the main level a bit cool on the tootsies (I'm barefoot 90% of the time when I'm inside). I don't want to let it get too cold down there because it will take a lot of pellets to warm all the mass down there back up.
Today I also need to make sure the snow blowers are all set for the winter and spray the shovels down with silicon to enhance their snow shedding ability.
It sounds as though you think fall/winter might be in the offing, Bogie. It's always a good thing to keep ahead, if one can.
You take after your Grandma H in going barefoot. Of course, so do I although, in the winter, I usually wear socklets around the house - makes it easier for me to soak up little drops of water that I tend to drip around in the kitchen, breakfast room, & mud room.
I think that our heating system has kicked in one night - 2 or 3 weeks ago when we had a sudden dip into the 40s. It kicks in when the house temp gets below 68 (cooling kicks in above 78).
Our air has been really smoky (from CA, OR fires) for the past several days, but supposed to thin out during the coming week.
Posted by: Cop Car | September 20, 2020 at 08:15 AM