If you have never experienced only getting 1 eye dilated you'll never realize how badly you actually see when both are dilated. Had the 2nd eye appointment in 9 days yesterday (yes, on a Saturday).
My right eye is the one they dilated again to check on the retinal tear I had toward the end of last month. My right eye is my "good" eye (relatively speaking) so my brain is used to trying to use that one to see. Sure, I've known that when both eyes are dilated, vision is off, but it was horrifying to really understand what it does to your vision.
Also had a Visual Field on both eyes. The test was supposed to be in late March, but was delayed because of COVID. Results showed additional abnormalities in my left eye (which has more than it's share of problems, including two cataracts). I'll have to have another VF in 4 months. I was on a yearly schedule but this is the second time in a row it has done worse so the schedule has been upped.
Doc thinks it could be the second cataract getting in the way (2nd one, in that eye showed up last year). My pressure is fairly stable even if it is elevated, as it has been for years (pressure is checked 2x year). But, she says the nerves look okay, so she doesn't think it is glaucoma - we'll just have to keep testing and taking pictures to see how things progress.
It is cringe-making reading about your eye issues. Wish I could wave a wand to fix them. I'm wondering if "one-eye-dilated" is anything like "one-eye-cataract removed" vision? BTW: I'm having a challenge imagining two cataracts in the one eye at the same time. I hope you get a "frequent checkup" discount from your eye doc.
Posted by: Cop Car | June 21, 2020 at 09:28 AM
Most people get the common "nuclear" cataract, which is what I have in both eyes. The 2nd one in my left eye is a "posterior" cataract. The posterior cataract has actually made my left eyes less far-sighted so my prescription went down by .25 last fall.
Posted by: bogie | June 21, 2020 at 02:37 PM
Thanks for the reference back to our previous discussion.
; )
Posted by: Cop Car | June 23, 2020 at 07:44 AM