The ninebark in the left raised bed finally quit flowering so I could transplant that nine bark and continue deconstruction. I was just trying to figure out where to place it. Then I posted pictures of what I called Sunshine in the Sunshine. The first picture is in the backyard, and the second in the shadegarden under the crabapple
What do these cheerful flowers have in common with transplanting a ninebark? Well, a FB friend commented that she wished she had some as she remembered her past husband giving her some at her previous house. I offered her some and before she even saw the post I went out and dug some up from under the crabapple.
Looking at the hole, aha, I have something to place there. I had started digging out around the pot before I thought to take pictures.
The shrub had massive roots and I ended up haveing to chop off 3 tap roots. Figured out that the ninebark had been in that holding bed since 2015, so it was well established.
Its new spot is fairly shady so it shouldn't get stressed by being in too much sun while the roots regenerate. Gave it and the surrounding area (that was dry for the 2 feet I dug down) a good drink both before and after planting.
Hope it does well and is happy there. It is the "bushiest" of all the ninebarks I have. Naturally I'll have to keep it well watered while it adjusts to its new home.
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