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June 28, 2020


Cop Car

I'm singing P..... I.. for you. My singing, alone, should be enough to make it shrivel to its roots. Thank your bird friends for that one.

Such lovely, lovely plants in this posting and the one above.

BTW: The nine barks that I planted a few years ago are in full sun. I have been thinking about, next year, taking some of them out to give me space for more edible stuff (that's what happens when one removes the strawberry bed to make room for the roses that replace the roses that were yanked out in favor of more easily cared for grass.) Would nine barks do OK at the edge of the woods?

Our rain gage had 0.01" in it yesterday morning - and about 150% humidity.


I have nine barks in full sun, partial shade and mostly shady spots and they all seem to do well.

Cop Car

Thanks, Bogie. I now know where I'll plant them.

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