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June 07, 2020


Cop Car

The alliums are pretty; but the maple stole its thunder. One would think that our plants would grow to our specified heights. Don't they know they run the risk of being yanked out if they don't?

Like your irises, for whatever reason, only our ruffle champagne colored and orchid colored irises bloomed this year. What's up with that?

Love your photo with the geranium, squirrel, and sitting area. You are making me think of putting a sitting area out in the near end of the woods between the steps and the dogwood trees. Yes, your photos/flowers/squirrel are definitely day brighteners. It's too darned hot for me to be outside these days. (I did take a couple of buckets of water to each of the dogwood trees this morning. I was just taught that they need watering more frequently than do our new gingkos.)

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