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February 02, 2020


Cop Car

That's an interesting experiment that you have going, there. In Green Thumbs, I need your help., I show the rosemary plant that survived a few winters in our warmer zone and, in a comment, you say that your own rosemary plant was 5 years old at the time (October 2013).
I doubt that the rosemary that I planted last spring will survive this winter. It isn't looking all that well.

Cop Car

P.S. I failed to say how pretty your current plant is and that I don't recall whether my previous plant was ever caught blooming (although, I want to say "yes".)


Is that rosemary inside? Mine have been potted, spending temps above 30* outside, then brought inside for colder weather. If yours is inside, what is happening that makes you think it won't survive?

Although rosemary can survive down to the occasional 10-20* temps, if the ground freezes hard, or there are a lot of temp swings, then it will have a tough time. It may eventually lose enough vitality that it can no longer survive. It is a Mediterranean plant after all.

Cop Car

Outside - under the edge of the back porched - not far from the Magic Plant.

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