Went to the storage party at my favored Harley dealer. Visited the bike, ate chili and voted in the Chili cook-off, voted on the best custom bike (and voted for the winner), used the supplied 15% off coupon to buy a couple pairs of jeans, ond chatted with several Chapter members who also store their bikes there. Tried to talk someone into joining the Chapter - it remains to be seen if she does (she balks at joining National HOG, which is a requirement to be in the Chapter). Gratuitous pics of the bike:
This year they didn't have nearly as many bikes stored as usual. I am sure this is a direct result of the owner passing in October. The former General Manager is knee deep in completing the paperwork to buy the dealership. Everyone is rooting for him, he is a very nice guy who has worked there for something like 20 years. And we don't even want to think about an outside corporation coming in and taking over (yes, the sharks are circling). The dealership has been a family owned business from the beginning, and we would like it to stay that way!
She looks pretty, but lonesome. Good luck to the GM in buying the place.
Posted by: Cop Car | January 26, 2020 at 11:47 AM
her berth mate may have been out on the floor getting work done. There were bikes above and below mine, so I'm guessing that spot being empty was just temporary.
Posted by: bogie | February 02, 2020 at 05:52 AM
Thanks for the reassurance, Bogie.
Posted by: Cop Car | February 02, 2020 at 09:51 AM