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December 15, 2019


Cop Car

Oh, wow, Bogie - just wow! You get to photograph pileateds! Thank you, thank you. Were I you, I would conclude that the pileated pair landed on the branch, breaking it off. *laughing* They should love you for providing a dead tree or two for their hunting forays.

Yes, Spot knows she's cute, doesn't she? Nice photos.

BTW: Nice escape by your chair. Happily, you weren't sitting in the chair contemplating the state of the world when the branch came down. The branch might have missed you, but wouldn't that induce a heart attack?


Well, I would love to "blame" the pileateds, and mayhap they did have something to do with it by previously drilling on the tree itself. But the branch broke off before I saw them. And really, it is a stretch to think that they broke off a branch that is 14.5 feet long just by landing on it. BTW, the butt of the branch was a fairly clean break and as I was cutting it down I didn't see any holes in it. It was just very, very dry.

It certainly would have caused me consternation if it had fallen as I was sitting under it!

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