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November 24, 2019


Cop Car

You have a way with begonias. Your grandmothers would have been proud. In particular, you may recall that my mother always had begonias on the front porch when you stayed with her some summers (they were in "my" old bedroom during winters.)

Sounds like you are set to enjoy Thanksgiving. I don't often fix sweet potatoes because no one else, around these parts, seems to enjoy them. (Maybe it's a comment on my "cooking"?)

It's been a sad fall for your chapter. Your participation in the observances is, no doubt, appreciated.


I don't make the sweet potatoes in what I think of the "traditional" way (with marshmallows on top.

I mash them and add butter and cream as one would do with regular mashed potatoes. Then I put in a touch of cinnamon and real maple syrup (not much). Sometimes I add pecans too. I think I will just take a bag of pecans and let people decide if they want to use them or not today.

Cop Car

Your sweet potato recipe sounds good. That's the way I prefer them, except I would not add cinnamon, syrup, or pecans. You are probably wise giving people a choice on the pecans. One never knows about allergies or preferences that others may have.

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