Yesterday morning I looked out the kitchen window and had to go out onto the ramp and take a picture of this contrail. The sunrise lit it up nicely. Unfortunately, I am not a great picture taker, or picture manipulator, so the colors are washed out since the phone was compensating for the low light.
Later I got both snow blowers started because4 they hadn't been run for a month, did some running around in town, then moved some pellets into the basement from the garage.
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In the afternoon I put some Seafoam into the bike's gas tank, and took the bike out for a short spin to charge up the battery and mix the additive into the injectors. Although it was only 40*, with my heated gear, helmet and the sunny cloudless skies, I stayed comfortable. Now that it is winterized, it is ready for the dealership to pick up next Friday for storage.
Last night I went to the viewing and "Mercy Meal" for the baby and her father who passed away last weekend. The services were held at the local funeral home and then the meal at the local Moose Lodge. The father grew up in town (his parent's live just a 1/2 mile down my road), so there was a huge turn out of people, many of which I recognized even though I don't know them. As well, there was a large HOG Chapter presence to support the grandparents (who are our Chapter Director and Lead Road Captain / Safety Officer). The families had requested that in lieu of flowers, there be donations of toys they would donate to charities for Christmas. Those were collected at the funeral home during the viewing so I took a plush animal and energized toy tractor set I got at the local TSC that morning.
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This picture wasn't taken on Saturday, but was taken recently. I went in to water the Angel Wing Begonia in the bedroom, and for some reason I looked up before I opened the curtain. This is what I saw.
See how pale that stem is? Angel wings have deep green stems, so it amazing that this shoot pushed out leaves at all. I trimmed that and some other branches that had become unruly. Seems like this particular plant needs a good wacking every 2 months. I don't know if I started a particularly hardy and enthusiastic shoot off the main plant (which is in the kitchen window), or maybe the potting soil I used was supercharged, but this plant just keeps pumping out the long stems and blooms.
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I have been invited to attend Thanksgiving at a Chapter member's place with her boyfriend, so shortly after noon I will be making the trek to the far end of Concord. I will be supplying the sweet potatoes and they will supply the turkey and other fixings. I hope everyone has a fantastic Thanksgiving!
You have a way with begonias. Your grandmothers would have been proud. In particular, you may recall that my mother always had begonias on the front porch when you stayed with her some summers (they were in "my" old bedroom during winters.)
Sounds like you are set to enjoy Thanksgiving. I don't often fix sweet potatoes because no one else, around these parts, seems to enjoy them. (Maybe it's a comment on my "cooking"?)
It's been a sad fall for your chapter. Your participation in the observances is, no doubt, appreciated.
Posted by: Cop Car | November 24, 2019 at 08:49 AM
I don't make the sweet potatoes in what I think of the "traditional" way (with marshmallows on top.
I mash them and add butter and cream as one would do with regular mashed potatoes. Then I put in a touch of cinnamon and real maple syrup (not much). Sometimes I add pecans too. I think I will just take a bag of pecans and let people decide if they want to use them or not today.
Posted by: bogie | November 28, 2019 at 06:40 AM
Your sweet potato recipe sounds good. That's the way I prefer them, except I would not add cinnamon, syrup, or pecans. You are probably wise giving people a choice on the pecans. One never knows about allergies or preferences that others may have.
Posted by: Cop Car | November 30, 2019 at 06:20 PM