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October 14, 2018


Cop Car

What a nice contrast between the penstemon (who knew they turned such pretty colors?) and the xxxx. You really are coming up with great fall colors. (And cute kitty/tiger photos.)

Although one tree at a house up near Rock Rd had one major branch start turning colors a few weeks ago, and the tree is now mostly reds with a bit of gold, we aren't (so far) getting much color this year. Our burning bushes have a couple of red leaves per bush and the sugar maple is (so far) in tones of brown and green. I'll enjoy your colors if you will keep posting photos!

I think we had 38 degrees one morning when I went walking - a week ago, today, as I recall (only time I walked while down with the upper respiratory infection). It is supposed to get down to 30 degrees within the next morning or two, so I need to complete installation of insulation around our sprinkler system backflow valve. Was planning to do it this morning, before the rain started at noon or so; but, it's already been raining for at least one or two hours. I guess I won't melt, eh?

Cop Car

Obviously, the xxxx was supposed to have been replaced by hostas before I hit Post. I couldn't think of the word while typing.


Hope you got that insulation install completed before the snow. Definitely don't want a repeat of last year!

Cop Car

Came through in flying colors. I used such an assortment of insulating materials, this time, that I'm not sure I could recount the construction to you. It didn't get down to the several hours of sub-20-degree temps that caused our freeze-up last spring. I'm hoping that Kevin's guys get the system serviced before we do!

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