Instead of real content, you shall be regaled with pictures of what was blooming this last week. Starting at the driveway garden I planted last year. First up is butterfly weed
Daisy (not Shasta, but I don't remember the cultiver
Now to the side yard. First up is a rogue foxglove that was not planted in the former holding garden. Foxgloves are planted nearly 100' away, in the shade garden at the other side of the house though.
Clematis - I'm too lazy to look up the name though :)
Along the front of the house. First is a hosta with nearly dead roses behind it (I am giving up on roses)
Husker red penstemmen
The shade garden - the foxgloves that I actually planted
Heuchera with some solomon seal leaves in the top left
So those were all the pictures from 6/24/18. But wait, there's more. Taken yesterday
The standard orange lilies at the front of the house
Not a very good picture, but the only red and yellow daylily stil blooming in the driveway garden
Okay, that is it. Hope you had fun looking at the pictures.
What a wondrous variety of plants you have, Bogie - and so well weeded! Lovely, lovely, thank you.
Posted by: Cop Car | July 01, 2018 at 02:34 PM
Very nice! Mine are mostly behind on the blooming thing, unfortunately, and none of my lupines even came up this year.
Posted by: Ruth | July 03, 2018 at 08:18 AM
Ruth - I don't have good luck with lupines. I had some last year but none this year.
Posted by: bogie | July 07, 2018 at 07:16 PM