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May 06, 2017


Cop Car

Some of us would not have thought to take carrots. Good for you! Looks/sounds like a wonderful time was had by you, the other members, and the animals!


Linda suggested that we bring carrots or apple slices. Since I usually have a bag of baby cut carrots in the fridge, it was easy enough to grab them as I headed out the door. I was the only one who remembered. But, since I had most of a 2 pound bag - I shared them so the others got to feed the animals too.

Cop Car

Two-pound bag? You eat a lot of carrots. We buy the small carrots in small bags.

Your dad has quit eating carrots. Of course, he never was one for fresh veggies and is also tired of spaghetti and chili. And...he doesn't want to eat a meal at the table - wants something he can reheat for lunch and a cold plate for dinner. (He wants to eat at his own convenience!) I'm starting to have a hard time feeding him.

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