I got home yesterday from doing the dump run and picking up a few groceries and the side yard was being over run. By the time I got the truck backed into the driveway and got my camera out, these were the only culprits left. Sorry for the crappy pic, but it is from my phone and at max zoom :~|
I have no idea what they were searching for since I didn't have a garden this year, nor have any of the wild berries produced the crab apple tree is on the other side of the house, and the bird feeders are on the other side of the house as well. Since that section is sandy and has several ant mounds, they could have been going after that, but that seems odd to me.
So, a murder of crows came a calling for no apparent reason.
Murder, most fowl, indeed (pun intended!) Goodness only knows what they found
Posted by: Cop Car | October 21, 2016 at 09:44 PM
Posted by: bogie | October 22, 2016 at 03:26 PM