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July 17, 2016



Very nice progress!

We did some cutting back of the giant arborvitaes out front last weekend. In the process cut down several saplings of weed trees that were growing up underneath and in between. Nothing of that size, but not small either. The arborvitaes need to come down too, I hate them, but they do their job of giving us some privacy so we're reluctant to pull them down till we have the funds to put up something to replace them. So we're dealing.......

Cop Car

Three years? Wow! Sapplings can really take off in that length of time. As to pulling the cord on a gasoline-model chainsaw: The darned chainsaw probably outweighs you.
; )


CC - the northeast gets enough rain, and leaf litter helps fertilize and protect the starts, that trees will really take off - even after clear cutting.

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