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February 05, 2016



Glad you made it home!

Cop Car

You lead such an exciting life! I'm happy that you can keep up with it. It is amazing how well some people can drive small cars in nasty weather. I can't imagine that your Focus is that much different from the Datsun of 1982-1983 in which a friend drove me through near-blizzard conditions. We had 16" of snow on the ground when we left the office and probably 20" on the ground at her house (we abandoned the car about 3 blocks from her place.) I think that you and she are both better drivers than me!!!!

Cop Car

P.S. I think that having a stick shift - such as your Focus and the Datsun have/had - is a definite plus in such situations.


The stick shift certainly helped - especially on that last down hill that drops 600 feet in 2 miles (1/2 mile of that is basically flat).


Hey, and a bit of good news - the Focus passed inspection with no work needed! Had them change the oil and rotate the tires while it was there too.

Cop Car


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