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February 27, 2016



Kinda funny. The HDs here had their pellets down to $199 a ton back at the end of January and now everyone's basically sold out. The regional differences (and its not like you're THAT far from me) are very interesting!

Cop Car

I didn't realize that the pellets would be stable enough that one could stockpile them for a year or so. You are thinking ahead!


Ruth - Yep, the forums have been showing that CT, NY and other states had lowered their prices. NH and northern MA and VT haven't, except L*we's.


CC - Pellets don't go bad. They are compressed wood, which is more stable than wood (ie - do't get attacked by bugs, disease, rodents etc). People store firewood for years. Unless they get wet, pellets can stay good for a long, long time.


Yup, as long as you can keep them dry enough pellets will keep for a good long time. The problem we had here was that one particular manufacturer apparently skimped bad on the bags. Bags were popping their seams just from moving the pallets. And of course, once that seam starts to let go, even if its just a little bit, moisture gets in.

Cop Car

There is much to be said for hermetically sealing a product. I had not considered that, of course!

When I was a kid (no jokes, please) we used to joke around about hiding something in a hermetically sealed container, under the back porch. Of course the "hermetically sealed container" was a sealed Mason or Ball jar.


Most pellets are not hermetically sealed. They have small holes in the bags to let out moisture from the drying process (or something, I'm not really sure). Other pellets are in non-perforated bags.

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