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August 02, 2015


Cop Car

Wow! You really must stop showing all of that work. You are making me tired! Well done! Those roots can be a bear. What a lovely glade you are setting up.

Actually, I am tired from cutting down a couple more tall, thin elm trees, dragging one of them to the next-to-farthest brush pile, and finishing dragging back one of the medium-sized elms that I sawed down two weeks ago. I left one of the freshly cut trees where it fell (not in anyone's way but mine - I have to walk around it) to dry out a bit. Drying out for a week or two reduces the weight significantly.

Gloves: As you probably recall, your dad pulls on his leather gloves before rolling the trash cart out to the curb. Me? I put on gloves for working with briars - or, usually, for dragging the downed trees.


Apparently you have been my role model on gloves - LOL.

Letting the wood dry is certainly smart!

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