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February 28, 2015


Cop Car

"I did have to shovel out some of the berm closest to the lower pipe (the Harman in the basement), to make sure there was no impedance to the exhaust."

Hmmm...let's see...impedance is calculated as: Z = |Z| e^{j\arg (Z)}
Oops! Your writing about gas flow, not electrical!

The photos make it clear why your house's thermodynamics don't depend upon snowfall very much. Oh, well. Thanks for the clarification!

Cop Car

Not only can't I get the correct kind of impedance, I can't get the correct "you're".


Well, to be totally correct, I wasn't talking about actual impedance, but to getting the exhaust to go out away from the foundation and the air intake for the stove. The berm wouldn't actually impede the air flow, so much as give it something to bounce off of and come back to where it isn't wanted (CO - not good to breathe for either stove or humans).

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