Friday before last (about 10 days ago), I was at a big box hardware store during lunch (the one closest to work, not my favorite one), and I happened to go thru the kitchen cabinet section. There were a couple of unfinished cabinets on the floor, and the tags on them had me doing a double-take. One of them was too big for my needs in the craft room, but the other one was looking just right (don't ask me why the picture comes out sideways - I'm using my laptop and apparently the Win 8 apps I have that touch up pictures don't talk well with Typepad - even removing properties didn't help). [EDIT - I fixed the pictures - bogie]
Needless to say, the drawers found their way into the Jeep. Friday night I stained them, then Saturday they got two coats of polyurathane. During the 2nd coat, tragedy inconvenience struck.
I managed to drop the open can of polyurathane. Fortunately I was doing all the work in the basement so at least no wood floors or carpets were harmed. Not the best way to seal up a concrete floor though - and truly doesn't seal it, it just soaks in. After cleaning up the mess, I decided it was time to stop working for the day (it was 7:54 pm when the picture was taken), and I waited to complete the 3rd and 4th coats of polyurathane until Sunday. Monday when I got home from work, I took everything upstairs.
Now I just need to find a countertop to go between the drawers and spice rack.
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