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October 20, 2014



A very fitting tribute to a great friend. And a noble way to preserve dignity. He may be at peace, but I believe he is missing you as well.


I'm sorry for your loss. It's always hard to let go of a four-legged friend.

Cop Car

Prince had a good run with you. I'm happy for his peaceful end and sad for your having to let him go. Thank you for the loving posting.

Jeni Farres

Cheryl, this was so beautiful. I am sitting here with tears running down my face and sobbing. Such a handsome boy. I loved all the pictures. His last year or so were identical to Sage's, fatty tumors, incontinence, eyesight, hearing and everything. We were with Sage when he went, and I am so glad. It was so peaceful and lovely. Cheryl, I do believe there is an afterlife with our pets. I don't think God would give them to us to love and then jerk them away so heartlessly. My friend, Glenda, has had very vivid dreams about the same thing on a couple of occasions. She assures me they were so real they must be true. He was certainly a wonderful companion for you and I just LOVE all the pictures. I am going to bookmark your blog so I can read it again some time.. I am so sorry for your loss, my dear sister, and I pray that God will take some of the hurt away from your heart. I know from experience that it feels like your actual heart is physically hurting. Hub and I came home Saturday night from dinner and pulled in the garage and looked at each other and said, " I wish Sage was here snuffling at the garage door." We miss him every day, but it is hurting a little less. It has been 3.5 months. Love you. Jeni


Thanks everyone. It is never easy letting go of our furry friends. They all still hold a special place in my heart.


I'm so sorry


Proofs for God's existence: beer, dogs, nature, and love.

Sorry to hear about your boy whom you made very happy judging from his huge smile. What a beautiful, naughty boy!

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