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May 26, 2014



Hey, you were a stone's throw from us! We can get to the Plymouth waterfront in 15 minutes or so.


Jay - you gotta quit moving around, I have a hard time keeping up with you (your blog anyway). Dang, if I'd known we would be so close, we might have had lunch. Oh well, next time.


Heh. We've been here since 2005, and almost as close since 2004. I lived in Quincy until the end of 2003, when I moved to a place in Stoughton that would be better for Deb to move to, since we planned to get married before I ever went to California. We went to Plymouth as much when we were in Stoughton as we have in Middleboro, even though we're closer, especially since the finished route 44. I have a bunch of pictures from just before Sadie was born. I haven't been to the Plantation since 4th grade, though. We went on the Mayflower after Deb moved to MA and it seemed tiny compared to what I remembered.

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