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March 16, 2014



I've seen the same thing in our town meeting, where big ticket warrant articles are passed with nary a comment, while small ones with little money involved are debated to death.

Then again, in our town the town and school budgets entail a number of public hearings leading up to town meeting, so just about everyone is cognizant of what they contain. I attend most of them (sometimes I can't because have a conflict, usually dealing with either our Planning Board - I am a member- or a BOD meeting of our local Public Access TV channel). There's usually a lot of discussion and debate during the hearings. I certainly see enough coverage in the local papers and a lot of comments in the Letters to the Editor.

About the number of people attending versus the number voting, it's possible that those not voting are not registered voters, or own land in town but aren't residents, meaning they can't vote. I attend town meetings in the towns where I own land (a few acres here and there, bought when I was working a ton of overtime at Raytheon way back when). While I can't vote in those towns, I do have the right to ask questions and make comments since I am a taxpayer in that town, something most people don't realize. Such folks have to present themselves to the moderator before the meeting to 'petition' to speak during the meeting, but I've never seen anyone turned away.

Cop Car

That's what happens when you move to the big city! *chuckling*

I am now secretary of our homeowners' association. One of the board members has drawn up a draft of a new covenant that he wants to apply to everyone in our jurisdiction. Get this: he wants to outlaw outdoor clotheslines and vegetable gardens. I don't think he has a prayer. I've not finished the work to confirm it; but, I believe that our jurisdiction is now covered by about five or six different versions of covenants - and - that each addition's residents must vote separately on any covenant change that would apply to their property. (The "old" board members think that a vote of the entire HOA membership is sufficient.)


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H. M. Stuart


DCE - you have a good point, but a lot of those people that didn't vote on that article DID vote on others (the lady beside me for example). So, I assume they were registered voters for the town.

That was something else I noticed, Deering had a section for non-voters, but interested people. Deering also usually made the first motion as one in which non-voters may speak to articles. Non of that was done in Hillsboro.


Gilford does much the same thing, with non-voters being relegated to one side of the auditorium.

Some voters are, unfortunately, single issue voters. They're there to deal with one or two warrant articles of interest to them and nothing more. You'd think they'd want to be involved in making decisions that will have a direct effect on their property taxes, wouldn't you? But too often people are "too busy" to be bothered with such mundane things like town and school spending.

My best rejoinder when someone bitches about their property taxes is to ask them whether they bothered to attend town meeting/deliberative session and to vote. If their answer is "no", I say to them "Then you have no right to complain. You couldn't be bothered to vote, so you shouldn't be bothered with the size of your tax bill."

That usually shuts 'em up.

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