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March 27, 2014


Cop Car

It is really, really difficult to foresee all of the consequences of our decisions, ourselves - ahead of time! One is lucky if there is someone with whom to consult - or a dozen someones - who may, especially if they've been through something similar, be able to identify possibilities. Failing to leave our options open is something that has tripped up many of us. I "learned", early on (as in my early days at Boeing before you were born), how necessary it could be! I write "learned" because my learning is usually incomplete - lol!


ouch! crossing fingers for you!


Sorry to hear about your bad luck, Bogie. I went through a bad stretch of it myself in the early 1990s. It still is remembered. That's probably why I work two jobs--I don't trust that I'll be able to stick with doing just one.


Sorry to hear about your bad luck, Bogie. I went through a bad stretch of it myself in the early 1990s. It still is remembered. That's probably why I work two jobs--I don't trust that I'll be able to stick with doing just one.


Happy birthday! Hope the job hunt goes well and quickly.


Thanks for the BD wishes Marshall!


Brent - worked two jobs a lot of my life, then worked one job with anywhere from 70-100 hours per week. Then went to one job, 50-70 hours a week, but get paid for 40. Much prefere the latter even if I get laid off every once in a while. I have come to expect it (quality personnel are not essential when the belt tightening becomes serious).

As such, I prepare by making sure I have a healthy emergency account. And when I was married, we didn't take on enormous debt, so we could make do with just one income for a while. In this case, now that I am again single no house payment or rent is definitely a blessing!

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