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February 14, 2014


Cop Car

Thanks for thinking of me, Bogie; but, the Enterprise ring is bulky - with projections fore and aft - so it isn't something that I would wear. If I had no choice, and HAD to get the ring, it would be in platinum, without the diamonds along the circumference, and with a natural ruby as the main stone, it would look better to me. (I'll bet they've made lots of variations since I see four in stock. Is that what you want for Christmas?

Your wing ring is unusual. Really glad that you found something "just right" for you and your status. The photo of the hand: your fingers look just like a slimmer version of mine; but, of course, the rest of the hand looks much younger than mine. (The next time we have family photos made, we should include all of our left hands in a circle.)


Oh hell no I don't want an Enterprise ring for Christmas - don't need any more rings. Just thought it was cool.

To me, my hands look really old. Too much exposure to weather, chemicals, and drying products (cardboard boxes, sheetrock, cleaning products etc)

Cop Car

OK. I'll strike that off of the gift list. *smirking*

Hands: I started looking really old to myself at age 43; so, see? You've lasted a lot longer. (That's why we need a photo of all of our hands - so that you can see what old hands really look like - lol!) Actually, your fingers look quite young (and mine don't look too bad for my age), and the rest of your hand does look a lot younger than mine. Wonder why? Perhaps I shoulda been wearing rubber/other gloves all of these years? Your dad wears gloves to do anything (for instance, taking the trash cart to the curb); but, I never got into the habit. I always figured that anything that I got onto my hands would wash off.


I thought the Enterprise ring was fun. Like Cop Car, I wouldn't choose to wear one. EIther my fingers would suffer, or the ring would be damaged. It's just a fun thought as far as I'm concerned.

I'm trying to heal my hands from a variety of little problems. I wear gloves to wash dishes, and I used medication ( now and then), but my hands are eternally dry. I wouldn't be voting for MY family to do the hand pictures! lol

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