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February 23, 2014


Cop Car

Rolls of toilet tissue are so much easier to recycle than are packing peanuts. *smiling* Glad everything got there OK. I could foresee disaster coming if you were not cautioned about the retainer box. You've had that box too long for me to, carelessly, let it be smashed to shards at your feet.

Cop Car

P.S. I assumed that you knew for whom the jeans were intended - for a quilt.


You are right - I have a huge bag of peanuts that I have no idea what to do with since I don't do much shipping. I used to be able to take them to where I worked and recycle them that way, but I no longer work in a place that uses that particular protection technique.


By the way, I did figure the jeans were for quilt making, and have set them aside for Karen.

Cop Car

There is another pair of jeans - from your dad's fall while running. I won't put them in the box of books (whenever I send it) because the books, by themselves, qualify for a special rate.

Cop Car

There is another pair of jeans - from your dad's fall while running. I won't put them in the box of books (whenever I send it) because the books, by themselves, qualify for a special rate.

BTW: If you have a UPS Store (or similar "let us ship it for you" store), they will probably take the peanuts, or any other packing materials, off of your hands. Our local UPS Store is always delighted to see me come through their doorway.

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