Up until February, we hadn't seen much snow. However, since then, we have gotten plenty. We got the Blizzard, with 31+ inches. Then we got another 10+ inches, Then we got another foot. Then, Thursday into Friday, when we were supposed to get 3-6", we got just under a foot (11.5"). And that doesn't count all the times we have gotten 2" here, 3" there. There has also been melting between the larger storms, but all in all, it has really added up around here. To whit:
Those pictures were taken yesterday morning. The snow has gotten so heavy, it actually broke part of the fence. I haven't gotten to that part of the yard, but I can tell that where a couple of shrubs meet, and a vine (autumn clematis) climbs them, the snow got too heavy and a section of fence got pushed away. The dogs can't get thru, but it irks me because I thought last fall that I should trim the clematis. But, I usually cut it back quite brutally in the spring every couple of years, so I let it go. Ha, teach me!
Dang! If you are going to take after your mother, you could at least pick up the good things about her to mimic! Indeed! Forgetting to re-insert the battery in your camer...failing to prune the clematis....
I sympathize if you say that, "If I didn't pick up Mom's bad habits, I wouldn't be able to pick up any of her habits at all!"
You really have been hit with the snow for the past few weeks. Sorry that I'm not there to help shovel. I need the exercise. (This is not the time for you to point out that I could have shoveled snow here but opted not to do so! Somehow, other people's snow is more fun to shovel!)
Posted by: Cop Car | March 10, 2013 at 11:07 AM
Whoot! You really DID get the snow. I stopped counting at 65" We've been on the edge of the storms you and Cop Car have received, and I don't think we got more than 6" at any one time. Most of our snow was here today, gone tomorrow, so there hasn't been much shoveling. I hope warmer weather has come your way.
Posted by: buffy | March 17, 2013 at 10:40 AM
We have another storm coming that has the potential for 6-12". Which means we will get a dusting or a couple of feet the way it has worked out for us this year.
Posted by: bogie | March 17, 2013 at 05:20 PM