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October 15, 2012



King Arthur Flour has a selection of gluten free products and recipes on their site. They did have gluten free mixes too, though I've not looked recently. I know, you're technically not going gluten free, but its an easy way to know you're not getting wheat.


That does give me another alternative. Bob's Red Mill sells non-wheat and gluten-free flours at the local grocery stores, so I usually don't have any trouble finding those. Although some non-wheat flours come with a hefty sticker shock and I just can't justify buying them!.

The thing that sux is that when baking (which I admit I don't do much of), you can't just substitute a non-wheat flour - expecially if it is a gluten-free flour. That is part of the magic of wheat, the gluten helps it hold a rise, a shape etc. Each substitution is a lesson in experimentation trying to get the right mix of flours(s) guar gum and / or potatoe starch to get acceptable results. I have not yet been able to make bread that has come out other than a very heavy brick.

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