After 10 days of dark, rainy cool days, we had about 24 dry hours. Part way into Friday the sun finally broke out, the temps got in the mid 70's, and the rain and clouds didn't come back until about noon yesterday.
Thursday I had a late afternoon interview in Devens, Ma. I got out at 6 and got home shortly after 7:30. I have solar lights to light the way for the stairs from the driveway to the yard, and at the bottom of the stairs to the front porch. You know the cloud cover has been keeping it dark when you get home at 7:30 PM and the solar lighting hasn't gotten enough sun to even try to light. These are lights that light half way thru a winter night - even when they have been covered by snow.
It's a good thing that WS was home (although not by long) because he had the livingroom light on, which helped light the way to the porch (the front porch lights, being motion activeated, don't come on until you hit the bottom step to the porch).
I would pass on the cool, rainy weather to those in the west who are still having wildfire issues if I could.